Dopo qualche mese ho rivoluzionato l'acquario di 80 litri dolce tropicale ed è rimasta praticamente solo la gigantesca Cryptocoryne in primo piano del vecchio allestimento.
Dietro la crypto in realtà c'è anche una bellissimo Echinodorus, ma è impossibile vederla con quel mostro di pianta davanti (lo so, ho sbagliato a metterla lì, ma non credevo venisse enorme come è adesso)
After a few months I have revolutionized the sweet tropical aquarium of 80 liters and has remained pretty much just a giant Cryptocoryne in the first floor of the old construction.
Behind the crypto in reality there is also a beautiful Echinodorus, but it is impossible to see with that monster plant before (I know, I was wrong to put it there, but I did not think was as huge as it is now)
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